Monday, July 25, 2011

SDCC 2011 Round Up

This was my first SDCC ever.  It was very large and intimidating. Quite a spectacle.
Here's a shot from one of my signings this weekend at the SLG Booth.
L to R : Me, Dan Vado (my publisher) & Jhonen Vasquez (Creator of Invader Zim) 
All-in-all I had a good time.  Mostly hanging out with the SLG gang, getting cooking tips and hearing stories of past con adventures over homecooked meals and beers after the show :) 

I also got to meet Jeff Smith but failed to get a photo...I waited in line and was actually late for the very signing pictured above -lols.


"Amity Blamity" (formerly "Pigtails & Potbellies") characters and content is copyright (c) 2008-2011 by Michael White. All rights reserved.